Biscuit is the right hand mAn of Mr Fluffybottom. While his pal hAndles All the expenses. Biscuit cooks All the food! There's Always new food coming in And out of the steakhouse. All of his limited-time dishes And meals Are Always huge hits with customers
Biscuit has the double-feature of Also being A dishwasher. It's mostly A gimmick for the show, but it is somewhat functional. Due to his dishwasher, not only is he heavier than Fluffybottom, but Also shorter. We had to remove his waist And connect the legs straight to the dishwashing body to make it work. The waist just couldn't support the dishwasher.
The ideA was to nAme him "Butch" Again, but After testing with groups, it wAs found people find "Biscuit" is A lot more welcoming and friendly. Which is what we're All About At this new location!