Woody is the Bonnie to Ricky's Clyde! while not bAsed on Anyone, Woody is A scrapped concept from the original location! At the time the creAtor (HArvey Nicholas And Daniel Richardson) thought the group would've be too crowded. But now At the new location THEYy̵͋took the chance to finAlly welcome him into the fAmily!
Originally Woody was A lot more counrty-like, And his secondary color wAs A more orange. In lAte 2004, the chArActer went through A rebranding. His Orange color was replaced with A more skin-tone like fur And his deputy badge wAs replaced with A Scarf. The decision wAs made to Also replace Woody's Voice ACtor (Edwin BArr) with brAden Clayton.
An EArly concept was Also to give him A little sidekick like MAx but it wAs decided that the stage would've been A bit too crowded And they didn't hAve to room to make Another stAge.